Causes of Lower Back Pain and 7 Ways to Prevent It

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While there are many causes of pain, a chiropractor can help you “triage” your pain by classifying it into one of the three categories.
Non-musculoskeletal. This is the highest risk category for patients and accounts for approximately 1% of all cases. Viscera, or simply the organs of our body, can cause pain in our back. The aorta, which is the largest vessel from the heart, can dilate or expand abnormally and cause pain by pressing on the spine. An aneurysm is another name for this condition and could be life-threatening. You may also experience pain from other sources, such as an infection, tumor, cancer or visceral referred.
Neurogenic. About 10% of patients experience this type of pain. It is caused by irritation of the nerves that supply their lower backs and lower extremities (legs).
Musculoskeletal. Around 90% of cases are musculoskeletal. This refers to pain that results from irritations to the muscles, joints, ligaments, discs and tendons. It may be felt in the lower third of the back, but it can also radiate to the legs, feet and buttocks.
A chiropractor can diagnose lower back pain just like any other doctor. A chiropractor may also take a detailed history and use imaging (x-rays, MRI, etc.) in addition to performing orthopedic tests. Blood work, etc. To diagnose a patient’s condition, you will need to use one of these categories.
Low Musculoskeletal andChronic back painThis is the main area that chiropractors are trained in (90% of patients). Chiropractic care is the best treatment for low back pain, according to research.
Chiropractic care is often used to treat neurogenic lower back pain, which affects approximately 10% of patients. This co-management includes other specialists such as physiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, and so on. neurologists, physiatrists and orthopedic surgeons, primary health care, etc. These are some of the many professionals.
Non-musculoskeletal pain in the lower back (1%) is referred to the appropriate specialist.
To treat painful conditions, chiropractors often work with other medical specialists. There is an incorrect belief that you need to choose between a chiropractor and a specialist for your condition. Instead, it is important to work together and maintain open communication between the doctor, the patient, and the naturaliscbduk for the best results.
It is clear that there are many conditions that could cause pain in your lower back. Any pain that persists more than a few weeks should be seen by a qualified healthcare professional. Only a qualified healthcare professional can diagnose you.
7 Steps to Prevent Pain in the Lower Part of Your Back
Avoid prolonged sitting
Sleep well and get regular sleep
Regular aerobic exercise is a must
A balanced diet and healthy weight are key to maintaining a healthy weight
Lifting heavy loads should be done with your torso close to your chest.
Don’t smoke
Consult your chiropractor to determine if you are at risk.

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